UPDATED ENTRY with added real photos: What a blast! I returned the same place as I had described a couple of days ago, and sure enough, the same frisbee soccer team was there practicing as they had been doing on Sunday afternoon. The difference was - both the male and female teams were both there on the practice field - although they were not really practicing together, they nevertheless were sharing the same field. It did seem to put a bit of a damper on the demonstrative male posturing that I had seen the other day, and there was not as much occasion for CMNM, but it was great
to get to see those same guys again and THIS I had my camera. The first few shots are of the two main characters I had described below in the body for main post: 1) the alpha male (the practice leader), 2) young cute dude who was taunted and teased in an amiable way when he got nude (while stripping out of his sweats clothes), and a few more team members (only one of whom did I catch with his butt exposed). The alpha dude was wearing tights under his mesh athletic shorts (evidently he was more 'modest' since the women's team was around. Also, the guys didn't spend time leisurely getting undressed out of their sweaty practice clothes and there was much clowning around. I guess maybe is was a 'real' work day practice instead of the very casual weekend frolic like I ha d seen just two days earlier.

Yesterday (Aug 31) we had a beautifully sunny summer afternoon. It was very warm - as
is usual for late summer in Tokyo, but not too humid. The sky was an uncharacteristic azure blue that was lavished piled high with billowy frothy puffs of white clouds - the remnants of the week's thunderstorms.
So I decided that - since these kinds of days are sometimes a rarity, especially recently due to number of hurricanes this season (typhoons as they are called), it would be a great idea to go cycling along the river. I'm still partly on summer vacation - at least work has not started yet. So I wanted to spend a little time in the sunshine (and get naked if I could find a spot).
See caption below
'These photos were NOT taken yesterday, but it does accurately show the location and what the frisbee dudes might have looked like if I had gotten this close with a camera. The last one represents the kind of 'antics' - clowning around that was going on when one of the group was getting undressed/dressed - in particular, one of the cutest one was getting a whole lot of attention from some of the others guys).

So I headed out wearing as little as possible (bare chest, sandals, and a very thin pair of
linen (almost mesh)short pants, which are very transparent when the sun shines through them. Well. to make a long story short, I got the river bank and floor zone bordering it and noticed a group of college age guys practicing frisbee. It was evidently a regular club that (hopefully) meets here every Sunday to polish their skills for frisbee golf tournaments and exhibitions. One of the guys was wearing see-through athlete shorts that were more transparent than mine and you could see the outline of his smooth, muscular buttocks every time he bent over or jumped to catch the disk.
I was spellbound and regret not have a camera - they were too far away for a cellphone camera to show much. Finally, when they finished up ractice, they started gathering to one corner of the field.
Each one of the guys seemed to take his time getting out of his sweaty practice clothes, but they seemed to have timed their own 'strip' so that each one was the only one doing so at the time -- it was an amazing nude choreography too. Each was hold a small towel in front of this genital area, then he would use the other hand to slowly lower his shorts and in some case his lycra athletic tights or underwear, until he was completely nude -- there in broad daylight.
Some made grab-ass gestures of their own. I began to perceive that this had probably happened before in this group and may be it happened often to this cute guy- for the very reason that males use nudity among themselves (in a group often) as a form of affection or communication. It was also happened to this kid because he was good-looking, good-natured about the rough-house way he was 'affectionately' treated, and he had a nice really bubble butt that might be making some of his teammates horny - or at least it appeared that they couldn't seem to keep their hands off it.
Eventually, he was able to fight off his suitors --it was all in good-natured fun - as 'buddies' I'm sure they all accept each other and would not abuse one of their own-
He was the only one who had a vehicle evidently - although a couple of the guys had bicycles - once underlining his status as the resident 'alpha' male. Most of them started leaving the flood zone that borders the Tama River, and serves as recreation area and provides grounds for various sports. They headed off toward the station - about a kilometer away. I noticed that the cute younger one had put on his khaki pants and a green t-shirt. They soon disappeared over the embankment, so I gathered up my stuff as started to head back toward where I live - also in that same general direction.
In the bike ride back, I'd forgotten about them with a few minutes and was planning whether I would go directly back home or not. When I got to the train station, I decided to park and ride to Shinjuku. I had to hold my bag in front of me, so as to make it harder for people oo see through my see-thru clothes. I guess you'd have to say I'm not really into flashing. (But that's another topic). I was pleasantly surprised to see a single guy with a green t-shirt waiting in front of the steps to the train station (the entrance goes underground to the wickets and then once through, you climb back up stairs inside station to the platforms - one on either side for the tracks, which are at ground level in this part of the rail line. I was glad. I would finally get a good look at the face that was the other end of a really beautiful male behind. By the way, it's really not that odd to see Japanese mens' butts -- there are actually many chances and for some reason that I won't try to explain now... the butt is not considered a private or sexual part of the human anatomy ...like is say .. the genitals and by association the pubic hair are considered.
The others seemed to caste glances or would otherwise cajole the naked one - or try to distract him from performing his 'laborious' task. One-handedly, he would find get all his clothes off, and then he would grab his boxers shorts or underpants, and step one foot at a time into them, and begin the slow process of pulling them up with one hand. The other hand was securing clasping his hidden cock and balls.
One of the cutest and also most enthusiastic players during practice was taking a very long time to get undressed. When he was finally naked and holding his towel coyly in front of his loins to cover his junk, several of the other guys started to joke around with him, engaging him with banter and wise-cracks, almost it seems in order to keep him naked as long as they could. He appeared to really be enjoying the extra attention and played right along for what I thought was a very long time.
One of the cutest and also most enthusiastic players during practice was taking a very long time to get undressed. When he was finally naked and holding his towel coyly in front of his loins to cover his junk, several of the other guys started to joke around with him, engaging him with banter and wise-cracks, almost it seems in order to keep him naked as long as they could. He appeared to really be enjoying the extra attention and played right along for what I thought was a very long time.
Admittedly, they were not doing so for my benefit since I was completely away from
them on the far side of the field. But it was about 4:30pm and there were dozens of passers-by, cyclers, and families out for a Sunday afternoon stroll.... Most everyone (except me) was oblivious and probably rightly so. While blatant nudity and -- god forbid - even pubic hair is a no-no for publication in any broadcast or print media, casual nudity that is expected or necessary don't really send up alarms signals - as it might do so, if some guys has been stripping nude to get changed on a typical sport field in North America. Maybe people here don't notice, of maybe they just mind their own business or maybe they just see it (if at all) as a matter of necessity - since there are not public restrooms or changing rooms in the miles and miles of this public recreational area. How weird is that, duh?
Well.. I was fascinated as a I said even more. I watched
and stared. My staring drew more attention from other pedestrians I noticed - instead of the fact that some cute college age guys were getting naked across the field . I wanted to see one of the last guys get undressed. He was the one who wasn't wearing much from the start - just those thin mesh shorts which I had spend 20 minutes drooling over earlier.
He was actually the best frisbee thrower among them, and with his constant chatter and cajoling as the practice went along, I could also tell he was the 'alpha' male - the leader of the group or at least the most demonstrative and athletic. So its little wonder if did not mind showing off his ass (assets) *LOL* because he had no reason to be self-conscious about showing his sports talents and seemingly none about showing his physical prowess (and maybe his dominant male sexuality either - or so it was revealed later).
When that cute one -- he was a bit shorter with a shorter haircut - maybe he's a new member in the group - was completely naked, the 'cool' one with the mesh shorts came over and just would not leave the cute one's butt alone. He tried smacking it, and hitting him his own small hand towel - undoubtedly soaked with sweat. Then - when they did not torment the cute one enough, he pulled that towel through the younger one's legs and tried pulling it up to give the cute boy a wedgie. The other guys took notice and joined in laughing.
Some made grab-ass gestures of their own. I began to perceive that this had probably happened before in this group and may be it happened often to this cute guy- for the very reason that males use nudity among themselves (in a group often) as a form of affection or communication. It was also happened to this kid because he was good-looking, good-natured about the rough-house way he was 'affectionately' treated, and he had a nice really bubble butt that might be making some of his teammates horny - or at least it appeared that they couldn't seem to keep their hands off it.
Eventually, he was able to fight off his suitors --it was all in good-natured fun - as 'buddies' I'm sure they all accept each other and would not abuse one of their own-
although perhaps not so true when they are outside the social boundaries the group or not in so public a place as they were now. However, it makes me wonder what goes on when there are two of them alone or sleeping over.

In the bike ride back, I'd forgotten about them with a few minutes and was planning whether I would go directly back home or not. When I got to the train station, I decided to park and ride to Shinjuku. I had to hold my bag in front of me, so as to make it harder for people oo see through my see-thru clothes. I guess you'd have to say I'm not really into flashing. (But that's another topic). I was pleasantly surprised to see a single guy with a green t-shirt waiting in front of the steps to the train station (the entrance goes underground to the wickets and then once through, you climb back up stairs inside station to the platforms - one on either side for the tracks, which are at ground level in this part of the rail line. I was glad. I would finally get a good look at the face that was the other end of a really beautiful male behind. By the way, it's really not that odd to see Japanese mens' butts -- there are actually many chances and for some reason that I won't try to explain now... the butt is not considered a private or sexual part of the human anatomy ...like is say .. the genitals and by association the pubic hair are considered.
There is little wonder then that ass photos can be easily be seen in lots of places -- in fact, I happy to say it can be very stimulating for someone (like me) who has a strong fixation on the male arse (butt / buttocks) -- like the ones I have collected and displayed on this blog - here in this posting and many others.I noticed that he seemed to be waiting and therefore turned one way and then another, in doing so he caught a glimpse of me approaching. After looking away, he turned back in my direction again and took a better look. I almost said something to him -- like "Hey, your face looks even better than your butt, dude. " But he would probably not make the connection --and consider me some pervert freak.
Instead, I just smiled and glanced back as I descended the stairs. He was watching me - Yes! I don't know if it was my clothes that had caught his attention. Or it may have been the fact that I looked at him and smiled - actually, that is a rare kind of social
behavior in this country.
People normally have a very closed and impersonal demeanor in public and particularly where interacting with complete strangers is concerned. Then again, it crossed my mind -- that he 'knew' what I was probably thinking about him too --the memories of his fantastic ass and the way he had genuinely seemed to enjoy showing it off in public and especially to his teammates in the frisbee club. Perhaps, he had seen me watching him and his buddies. My 'staring' could have a topic or conversation - or perhaps, he'd only done his long strip and butt-antics just to tease the old pervert whom they had all noticed. It was possibly something that happened often during their team practices. And maybe it will again.
As I bought a train ticket, I peered up and could still see him waiting. He kept glancing down in my direction - although he was obviously waiting for someone (one of his teammates was probably picking up something at the grocery or at the ATM across the street). I kept wondering why. I was hoping he'd
descend the stairs and get on the same train and in same car (well. I'd make sure of that), then I'd have fun. I would 'flirt' with him from a distance and try to get him to look at my own form of flashing - another kind of kinky communication that may not be so unlike the mating dance of the male frisbee warriors I had just witnessed a little while earlier.
The photos after the first four are only representative and illustrate the type of behavior (male bonding / posturing and clowning around) that uses nakedness (a bit different connotation than the world 'nudity') that I am describing and observing in groups of males, in particular Japanese men.
The photos after the first four are only representative and illustrate the type of behavior (male bonding / posturing and clowning around) that uses nakedness (a bit different connotation than the world 'nudity') that I am describing and observing in groups of males, in particular Japanese men.